Sprinkler System Installation & Service

One of the most effective ways to control flames from the outset, a sprinkler system is really a 24/7 guard against the risk of losing everything in the event of a fire.

While most people just see the ceiling mounted sprinkler valves, there are a number of parts to a sprinkler system installation, all of which must be installed and maintained to Australian standards in order to remain compliant.

As well as providing full time and automatic fire suppression, all sprinkler systems will summon the Metropolitan Fire Brigade or Country Fire Brigade as soon as they’ve been tripped.

In addition, your home, office, warehouse or public building sprinkler system will automatically detect a fire, often in places where people aren’t or cannot be located. Once the fire has been detected, an alarm will be transmitted and the system will proceed to control, or even extinguish the fire.

spinkler systems service and maintenance

Unlike smoke detectors, sprinkler systems are alerted to a fire by heat, not smoke; this means less incidences of false alarms for building managers and the fire brigade to deal with.

And although sprinkler systems pack a watery punch in putting out a fire, they use about 6 times less water than a fire hose, saving money on the damage and water bill.

Our friendly team of fire services technicians manage sprinkler system installation and maintenance in accordance with Australian Standards 1851 & 2118 on planned, newly built homes or existing homes, business premises, warehouses, high-rise apartment blocks, hospitals, to name just a few.

If you’d like to know more about how we can help you keep your premises and people safe from fire, please give us a call on 1800 177 915 to arrange a free quote or to discuss your sprinkler system installation or other fire equipment services needs with one of our expert Melbourne fire service team.

Alternatively please send us an enquiry below:

Get in touch

1800 177 915

Email: contact@in2fire.com.au

A | 15/94 Abbott Road,
Hallam VIC 3803
T | 1800 177 915
P | +61 (0) 3 8781 0100

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