Smoke Alarms

Most of us have heard a smoke detector going off… usually as a result of bad cooking skills!

While that siren-type noise is very annoying, a smoke alarm is purposefully designed to give early warning to any people in the area that smoke, and possibly a life threatening fire, have been detected.

This early warning gives people as much time as possible to alert others of the threat and to arrange the evacuation of everyone from the fire’s point of origin – and given the average fire can take only seconds to involve a whole room, the more time people have to get out the better.

Installed either as a single stand-alone unit or as part of an interconnected circuit, working smoke alarms have been proven to save lives in the event of a home or office fire.

smoke alarms

A smoke alarm is triggered by smoke, not heat. Once set off in a commercial premises, the system will sound alarms locally, allowing people onsite to call the fire brigade

All smoke alarms in Victoria must be installed and maintained in accordance with the relevant Australian Standard (AS1851).

If you have any questions about smoke alarms in Victoria or other fire services for your home, office, warehouse, public building or industrial site, please give our expert Melbourne fire equipment services team a call on 1800 177 915 to arrange a free quote or to make an appointment for us to visit your premises.

Alternatively please send us an enquiry below:

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1800 177 915


A | Suite 037, 44 Lakeview Drive,
Scoresby VIC 3179
T | 1800 177 915
P | +61 (0) 3 8781 0100